

~ April 23, 2022


"Antioxidants are like tiny ‘bodyguards’ inside our bodies that protect our cells from disease.”

The human body is made up of approximately 37 trillion cells.
Cells are considered the basic units of life. During their life cycle cells obtain nutrients, metabolizes them, grow, replicate its DNA, and prepare for cell division.
At any moment during this cycle the cell can come close to a Free Radical.

Cells are made of molecules. Molecules are a collection of atoms.
So, we are made of atoms.

A Free Radical is an atom that is missing one electron. Electrons are negative charged particles that orbit the cell’s nucleus, in pairs forming a stable arrangement. Since the electrons on a Free Radical are unpaired, it becomes an unstable atom. It then steals an electron from another atom damaging those molecules in the process.

Antioxidants neutralize Free Radicals by giving up from their own electrons.
This helps by breaking up what could become a chain reaction that could damage cells in the process.
Antioxidants play an important role in disease prevention. They are natural compounds that protect the body from unstable Free Radicals which can harm our DNA, cell membranes, and other parts of cells, damaging our immune system which leads to infectious and degenerative diseases.
Free radical damage is thought by scientists to be the basis for the aging process.

 Antioxidants are found in a number of phytochemicals and nutrients including Vitamin A, C, and E, Carotenoids like Beta-Carotene, Flavonoids, and the minerals Copper, Selenium and Zinc.

Many factors can activate the formation of Free Radicals:
Excessive Sunbathing, cigarette smoke, pollution, X-rays, Industrial and Household chemicals, and pesticides. Cooking fats at high temperatures, frying foods in oil, polyunsaturated fatty acids, processed foods, Alcohol intake, and stress.
But it is also a natural byproduct of normal processes in cells, like turning stored fat into energy. Also, when the immune system decides to attack intruders like bacteria, or viruses.

Free Radicals are also produced when we exercise, so that the effects of physical activity on muscle cells can take place.
Their presence is normal when in small numbers, but Free Radicals can cause serious damage if they become too abundant. Because they can alter the way in which cells code genetic material, the excess of Free Radicals has been linked to multiple diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration.

Because free radicals are so pervasive, you need an adequate supply of antioxidants to disarm them. The body’s cells naturally produce some powerful antioxidants. The foods you eat supply other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E. Plants are full of compounds known as phytochemicals [plant chemicals], many of which seem to have antioxidant properties as well.

Your immune cells use free radicals to fight infections.

Your body needs to maintain a certain balance of free radicals and antioxidants. When free radicals outnumber antioxidants, it can lead to a state called Oxidative Stress*. Prolonged Oxidative Stress can damage your DNA and other important molecules in your body, which leads to an increased risk of negative health outcomes, such as cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer.

 What are symptoms of oxidative stress?


Memory loss or brain fog.

Muscle and/or joint pain.


Gray hair.

Decreased eyesight.


Sensitivity to noise.


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Alvaro Fernandez Artist/Photographer/Producer

Film Production, Full Sail University

Entertainment Business, Full Sail University

Nutrition, The Open University

Kinski LLC


@AlvaroFernandezPhotography [instagram]


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Author Username:                 AGsoundtrax

Licensee:                        Alvaro Fernandez

Registered Project Name:         Antioxidants

License Date:                    May 10th, 2022

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